My Wanderlust is Calling, So I Must Go


My Wanderlust is Calling, So I Must Go

I am off on a new voyage.  It's time to refill my soul with sunshine and my heart full of adventures. So I am headed back to the place where that magic happens for me.  Californ-i-a. Thus far, 2024 has checked two places off my bucket list, the Florida Keys and Red Rock Canyon in Nevada. I must say both were very unique and beautiful in their own way.  But California is my Nirvana. It has all the things my little heart desires, mountains, snow, sunshine, ocean, desert, cliffs, coves, perfect weather, national parks and great music. All of which are the main ingredients for my wanderlust.  I am back to refuel and explore the hidden gems I stumble upon.

 As far back as I can recall, traveling has always been a pursuit for knowledge  and learning that could not be found in books or television. But instead, from conversations with the locals, explorations of different cultures and customs and  interaction with nature. Travel also has a distinct way of keeping me humble by reminding me of what a tiny space I occupy in this vast, enormous world.  I thrive on that nomadic life that brings unpredictable encounters and surprises at every turn. Like the awe of a breathtaking sunset over beautiful landscapes, or a serendipitous connection with a fellow traveler that turns out to be a soulful and spiritual experience.  

So for the next few weeks my plan is: 
- to check off my 9th and final California national Park. Hey Joshua Tree, hold   
on,  I'm  coming.

- to trek the most southern quarter of the state from San Diego, through the lower  Colorado Desert to Salton Sea, Slab City, Salvation Mountain, Yucca Valley, Palm  Springs and back down to Borrego Springs.

- to complete a 134-mile portion of the Pacific Coast Bike Trail from the Tijuana     Mexico border through Imperial Beach, Coronado, San Diego, Ocean Beach,   Mission Beach, La Jolla, Del Mar, Solana Beach, Encinitas, Carlsbad and ending      in Oceanside.

So come along with me on this journey  as we dance to the rhythm of the open road. Where we will have the freedom to be nowhere and everywhere. All the while, making memories and leaving footprints.

To be continued............................................


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