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Finding Your Inner Sunshine

Life can be a shitty business at times. I do not know anyone who makes it through clean. Some get pulled through the ringer more often than they feel is fair. Me included. But one thing I do believe is that no matter how beat up we feel, we are at our best when we are fighting. So, fight every single day. As I walked around the harbor today, I saw two homeless people. One was sleeping in the bushes and the other was pushing everything she owned in a cart. I do not know their story nor am I here to judge, but what struck me was their will to live despite their circumstances.  Seeing them made me realize how lucky I am. I do not have very much but I live a happy and content life for the most part. Like most people, my life is cyclic, the good and bad periods come and go. But unfortunately, there are some souls out there who live in a constant battle with their demons. Whether it be because of substance abuse, mental health issues or a difficult life situation, we run into people every da

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